Phase 1 – 1616 Latimer Fund façade
- ORIGINAL, June 2023, above -
The frontage façade of the Cosmopolitan Club’s 1616 Latimer Street clubhouse establishes the impression of the building, not only on members and guests, but on the general public who pass by. The façade is a key component of the 1600 Block of Latimer Street, and contributes to the City’s Historic District, as recognized by the National Register of Historic Places. Thanks to funding by 1616 Latimer Fund, the rehabilitation and preservation of the façade greatly improves the appearance of the clubhouse, while the ADA-compliant ramp and automatic doors give better access to the building for members and guests, enhancing the long-term continued use of the building.
Project # 3 – Rehabilitation of the facade, and construction of a ramp & automatic doors
- COMPLETED, November 2023, above -
The Haverstick-Borthwick Company completed rehabilitation of the facade of 1616 Latimer Street in November 2023. Improvements included new spandrels and upgraded doors in Edmund Gilchrist's original cream color, a limestone ramp and railing in the style of Yellin, an automatic door mechanism, and brick repointing.
Project # 2 – Facade architectural and engineering documents
The consulting team of Keast & Hood, Farragut Street Architects, and KS Engineering prepared architecture and engineering documents that have accepted by the Philadelphia Historical Commission and Streets Department, and shared with potential owner's rep candidates and construction bidders.
Project #1 – Facade schematic drawings & survey
Keast & Hood Engineers, highly qualified masonry façade preservationists, surveyed the façade; Farragut Street Architects documented architectural components; and Becker Frondorf acted as cost estimators. The team prepared preliminary schematic design documents.